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Leadership Selection Specialists and international IT talent.

Specialists in the selection of management profiles of high training, excellence and  knowledge  ITEM.

Why Setesca Talent Executive?

SETESCA TALENT EXECUTIVE is the Setesca division specialized in contacting and validating the best managerial and executive leaders from the different areas of the organization. We are specialists in high-level profiles with high training and excellence at an international level.

The relevance of digital transformation in the business environment and the importance that this type of experience and knowledge are acquiring in the aptitudes and abilities of managers, means that only companies with high technological and human resources knowledge are capable of assessing the suitability of a candidate in an organization.

We apply methodologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), mathematical algorithms and predictive models to identify what the company's need is and to be able to cover it with the ideal candidate, by virtue of values not only of training but also of leadership and excellence . And of course we internationalize the process, the best managerial talent for your company can be in any country waiting to help your company

Numbers that support our methodology


More than 15 years of experience

selecting managerial talent.

+ 500

More than 500 managerial profiles analyzed and selected.


Average salary of a manager selected by Setesca Talent.



We identify international leaders who can help your company grow and adapt to the new technological situation.

Reunión de equipo

Is now

the moment!

Companies seek  leadership profiles, high training and excellence at the International level. Do not miss the  chance  and contact us now.

Reunión de equipo

If you are an IT manager, we have the solution to certify your excellence: ICITEM

ICITEM International Certification in IT Excellence Management is the certificate created by Setesca and LiceoTic that accredits executives with a high level of excellence in the management of IT information systems in any type of company.

Unique and proven methodology

At SETESCA TALENT EXECUTIVE we follow a proven, detailed and exhaustive methodology to be able to guarantee that the proposed candidate is the ideal candidate, by virtue of values not only of training but also of leadership and excellence.

Our selection methodology combines the latest computer technologies such as artificial intelligence together with the experience of more than 500 managerial profiles selected for leading companies at a national and international level.

For more than 15 years we have built our network of candidates, helping large national and international companies to find top-level managers. When you need a manager with specific experience to help you grow the company, organize, scale… Setesca helps you by using the latest technology and experience to find the perfect candidate.

Some of the companies
who trust the selection
of managers with us


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with us

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Dos hombres agitando las manos

Many consulting firms offer consulting on innovation, at SETESCA we really offer an innovative model of technology consulting.



Since 2007 we have worked with the conviction that the improvement of processes and information systems are the means to achieve competitive value for our clients. At Setesca we work hard to provide technology companies with the best tools and solutions to continue growing.



We think like our clients and we know how they need to meet their needs, that is why we seek the most pragmatic, effective and competitive solutions in cost and innovation, to provide maximum added value.



The core of our value proposition is to offer our clients expert services focused on innovation and always based on​​ in the latest market trends. Our services are provided by some of the best professionals in the market.

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Innovative and complete talent solutions for the transformation of your business. Consulting tailored to you.
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The largest ecosystem of CIOs and IT managers independent of integrators and solutions.
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Professionals with extensive experience and high excellence in a specific mission to carry out, to help your company.
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Reference training center for professionals related to the world of ICT and innovation.
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+34 937 635 602


C / Balmes 200 5º 4ª

08006 Barcelona

Madrid  +34 937 635 602
London  +44 7521 394 522
Quito  +593 998 872 499

© 2021 - 2024 Setesca Talent by SETESCA

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